Don E. Smith - Leadership Coaching

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What Do You Think About Success?

“Success comes in cans, not in can nots.”
Wayne Dyer

Success Defined

There are sticking points and there are "sticky" points. When it comes to skills fulfillment, Success seems to be the one thing that is both sticking and sticky. Is there a difference? You bet there is!

Sticking Point

A sticking point is an obstacle to progress toward an agreement or goal. In many cases the obstacle is not real, but perceived. What causes many to get stuck in pursuit of success is how they define it. Most people think they are successful only when they have attained some lofty goal. Let’s call that point “Z”. And, true, if they do reach point Z they are indeed successful. But what about along the way? What is happening from point A to point Z? Was every attempt to reach the goal a failure or an opportunity to gain feedback and adjust both process and expectation?

Sticky Point

A sticky point is that moment when the effort of an intention becomes magnified by the impact it has on the goal. If you have a plan to do something and you do it with total intention the expectation for achievement is increased by the effort. It's when the experience adds or sticks to the intender's skill. If you can do something a little it means you have the potential to do it a lot. Someone put it this way, "What is now easy, once was hard." The road from hard to easy, from point A to point Z, is paved with great intention.

Success Defined

Success is defined as, "the achievement of an intention." Please note, nowhere in this definition will you find fame, fortune or power. Unless those outcomes are the aim of your intention, they are all by-products of an achievement. Sometimes success eludes people who try hard enough, but struggle with how to define their success. When “success” is not the outcome, most people believe they have failed either because they did not “work hard enough” or because they are “unlucky”. Or worse, they come up short because their goal is unworthy. In truth, it just might be, that at this point in time, their success expectation is unreasonable. When your grasp exceeds your reach, recalibrate your reach. Success is all about intention and managing the expectations that fuel your effort. The more realistic an expectation is in relation to your current skills, resources and experience, the greater the opportunity for success. I like putting it this way, "Success happens when the result of an intention meets or exceeds a reasonable expectation." To succeed you must clarify what constitutes success in relation to your desire and your abilities. Remember, when it comes to success, “Nothing succeeds like a realistic expectation.”

Bringing Positivity to Everything,
The Brain Tamer